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Microsoft 365

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights User License - (Education Faculty Pricing)

Three year commitment billed once in advance

Other terms available | One month | One year | One year billed monthly | Three year billed annually | Three year billed monthly


exc. VAT
A rolling three year commitment free of change.
Includes Welcome Discount for New Accounts
Price shown includes a time-limited welcome discount for new accounts within the first 365 days, normal ctm price £0.00 / 3 years.
Microsoft 365
New Commerce
Customer Insights is a marketer-based management system which creates end to end customer journeys and a unified customer database that is accessible to other systems.
Three year
Resellee qualifications
Minimum quantity
Maximum quantity
One million
Prices shown are exclusive of VAT and available to UK registered businesses and charities only.

Sign-up now and start saving

Sign up with ctm and let us help you save money every month on your Dynamics 365 Customer Insights User License - (Education Faculty Pricing) subscriptions!

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